The Ansible — Incursion III : Draw Closer [Official Video]

«Incursion III : Draw Closer» by The Ansible from the album «Draw Closer»

Video by Albert Carlos Gonzalez

«Draw Closer» was recorded, mixed and mastered by Greg Hinck at ChopHarderStudios


We’re drawing closer to the place we want to be
We are progressing. We are progressing
We’re on the verge of catching up with destiny
Keep moving forward. Keep moving forward

We look to Minerva,
For her wisdom and enlightenment
She has guided us,
to this beauty so profound
It has taken over,
all our bodies and our senses
She’s recreating us,
without bounds

She is a guiding light
She is a guiding light

She’s graced us with the vision of our passion
Showing us there are no limitations

We will draw closer, draw closer

We’re drawing closer to the place we want to be
We are progressing. We are progressing
We’re on the verge of catching up with destiny
Keep moving forward. Keep moving forward

We will draw closer, draw closer


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