PROSPECT — Brotherhood (Official Music Video)

New song from PROSPECT of the album AD HOMINEM

*Lyrics: There was a time when we both walked one path
two brothers meant to last,
they wouldn’t turn their backs!
Nine years have passed and things have turned to waste
One lie that cleared the way
for them to fade away

Two friends are dying,
but they can be saved
Put your pride aside don’t let them wait
Don’t let them fade away

You let them down in so many ways

Will you please, answer me
Why can’t you see,
you are a brother to me

Like a true friend you stabbed me in the back,
Smiling towards me,
but you forgot that
You won’t find peace
Do you see the shit you’ve done to me

Two friends are dying,
but they can be saved
Put your pride aside don’t let them wait
Don’t let them fade away,

you were a brother to me

You won’t find peace,
You won’t find peace,

I hope you read this I hope you see,
‘Cause this is all about you,
you were a brother to me

You won’t find peace,
You, you were a brother to me

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Music Video by Juriaan Hodzelmans:

Music produced by Roelof Klop:


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